 Color Systems and Trends
Color Systems and Trends

Color consulting, color trends, color directions, fashion colors, color systems, color marketing, salable colors, color palettes, color combinations and textile colors.

Today, color influences every industry imaginable.

Color trends can be strong market drivers

As we move into the millennium, colors used in industry, interiors, fashion, services and communications will become brighter, happier, livelier and more fun — in keeping with a sense of optimism generated by the event, as well as by a buoyant economy.

As part of this new optimism, people will not ``play it safe" when it comes to colors, but will take more risks with livelier colors and combinations.

Bright to Light: New Color Trends Span the Spectrum Trend

Colors that consumers will find new and fresh are shaped by economic, cultural and environmental influences. In order for consumer marketers to stay in step with their customer manufacturers of packaged goods to fashion work with color specialist that follow the color trends.

Color trends are important in home interiors, apparel, gifts and the consumer's first impression of a product relates to color.

For that reason, consumer marketers — from packaged goods and fashion to manufacturing and home interiors — are keenly following the national mindset and its impact on color. Color trends are manifested in many ways, in home interiors, gifts and interiors where consumers have the freedom to experiment with emerging color trends affordably.

There are three trends in the marketplace:

Bold, Bright and Blue

America is becoming more diverse. Young adults are rediscovering the outdoors and nightlife. And baby boomers are not mellowing out, yet. These bolder lifestyle trends increase demand for color variety, exotic design and brighter hues.

As a result, rich reds, intense violets and bright yellows are growing in appeal. And bright blue is emerging as a trend forerunner, overtaking green as the most popular color of the future. We see it in nail polish and candy. Consumers are definitely developing a new taste for blues and other brights.


On the opposite side of the spectrum, but striking a chord with many Americans as well, is the color trend influenced by the Voluntary Simplicity Movement. Defined as a shift towards seeking balance and simple pleasures, the Trends Research Institute reports that never in the Institute's history has a societal trend grown so quickly.

As a way to find balance amidst the stresses and hectic pace of modern life consumers are lightening up their environments with neutrals, sheer colors and super light pastels.


Hi-tech vibes inspire new color schemes, too. Today's technology enables people to see more of the approximately six million colors detectable by the human eye.

Color Connoisseur

Like fashion and interior designers, the color trend professional has their finger on the pulse of today's newest hues using color trend analysis to artistically create combinations of color for maximum visual impact.

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